

Montreal, Mt-St-Hilaire


April 8




Between the river and the moutain.

Favourite music

Tête de radio + Thom solo. Gainsbourg. Bowie. Pulp & Jarvis C . Satie. (Smog)/Bill Callahan. Bat for Lashes. T-Rex. Autechre. Kid Koala. Dylan. Lennon. Beatles. The Delgados. Vetiver. Tortoise. BB. Jeff Buckley. Beastie Boys. Ennio Morricone. The Mills Bros. Leonard Cohen. Bjork. Papa M. Sigur Ros. The Verve. Japan. PJ Harvey. Primal Scream. Schubert. Godspeedyouetc. Ô. Robert Charlebois 70's. Emmanuel Jal. This mortal coil. Cocteau twins. Led Zep. Soft Cell. Eno. Francoise Hardy. Kraftwerk. Debussy. De La Soul. White Stripes. Bauhaus. M.I.A. Siouxie & the B. Can. Prince. Echo & the Bunnymen. pre-80's Stones. Liars. Grizzly Bear. DUB. Tibetan monks recitating mantras, the bells, the horns etc...

Favourite books

Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche as well as The Tibetan Book of the Dead from Padmasambhava. War Child by Emmanuel Jal. The Great Ape Project. Alastair's McIntosh's 'Soil & Soul'. The Hollow Tree by Herb Nabigon. Other Buddhism books.. Jane Goodall. Rumi. Milarepa. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's 'When Elephants Weep'. Racine. Molière. 'Le Visiteur' by Éric-Émmanuel Schmitt. Jared Diamond. Peanuts.

Favourite movies

I'm Almost Not Crazy. 2001 Space Oddysey. Scared Sacred, Iraq in Fragments. Ce qu'il reste de nous/What Remains of Us. Love Streams. King of Comedy. The Big Lebowski. Dangerous Liaisons. Opening Night. Last Temptation of Christ. Cry of the Snow Lion. Baraka. Jules et Jim. Norman McLaren's short animated films. Hearts of Darkness. Blue Velvet. Born to Boogie (T-Rex). Suddenly Last Summer. Les Ordres. Latcho Drom. The Shining. Kundun. Nosferatu. Alice in Wonderland. Waking Life. Elephant Man. What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Boogie Nights. Wings of Desire. Citizen Kane. Duel. Barton Fink. Fght Club. Crimes & Misdemeanors. Manhattan. Virgin Suicides. Cabinet of Dr Caligari. The Servant. The Godfather. I wanna hold your hand. Peaceable Kingdom. Michael Clayton.

Favourite tv shows

Being a big PBS fan...Bill Moyer's Journal, NOW w/David Brancaccio, Frontline, Independent Lens...Iconoclasts. Family Guy

Favourite quotes

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha. I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do. And that enables you to laugh at life's realities. - Dr. Seuss Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life. - Albert Schweitzer Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in -. L. Cohen

On RHMB I am known as

valerie or vlaerie depending how fast I type

To get to work/school I
